Stand With Refugees & Immigrants

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Working with Refugee & Immigrant Transitions made me closer to my dream that was teaching.
— Masuma, RIT Early Childhood Education Provider

By supporting immigrants and refugees, you're making a bold statement of welcome. You bring hope in a hostile political climate. We are deeply grateful for your support!

Donate using the form below (card/PayPal), or mail a check to 870 Market St. #558, San Francisco CA 94102. Please contact or call 415.989.2151 if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!

“I Can See My Dream”: Masuma’s Story

In Afghanistan, Masuma's family was devoted to education. Her father was a teacher, inspiring Masuma and her siblings to follow in his footsteps. “‘You can do it!’ always my father told me.” She became a kindergarten teacher. 

early childhood program

“Children’s world is so beautiful and simple. They are thinking unique and I like their questions.” When Masuma came to the U.S. with her husband and kids, her dream was to continue her career in education.

But starting a career in America is not easy, even for those who are born here. Like many newcomers RIT serves, Masuma needed to overcome extra barriers: language and unfamiliar systems, as well as childcare barriers.

Through RIT, Masuma joined a welcoming community that shared her passion for education. A community that YOU are helping nurture.

After just two weeks in the U.S., Masuma enrolled in our Women’s Initiative English class - a popular program with many Afghan moms. 

“We studied about health and illnesses, money and shopping, and more. The class was good because it had childcare for my children.” Unlike most adult classes, the Women’s Initiative allows women to study while their small children stay in the class or join the on-site early childhood program.

RIT also matched Masuma with a home-based tutor, who helped her further brush up on her English. “I felt my teacher is my friend. Always we had a nice conversation, so I did not feel alone.” 

early childhood program

Through your support, RIT walks with our students on their leadership journeys. We honor their experience, knowledge, and skills. With her teaching background and high English skills, Masuma became a Community Leader Intern in our early childhood program. And soon, she was promoted to RIT staff member!

She is also studying English and child development at a local college. “I know the time is going fast and I can see my dream. I really like to help people!”

Your support of RIT has a multiplier effect. Thank you for welcoming newcomer families so they may thrive in our shared communities!

Refugee & Immigrant Transitions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN: 94-3112099.

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