We could not do our work without our supporters. By welcoming newcomers, these amazing individuals and institutions make our shared communities stronger. We deeply appreciate each and every donation. Thank you!

We endeavor to create an accurate and up-to-date record of our supporters. If you notice an error, please kindly let us know and we will correct it. To see our financial summary, click here.

FY 2024-2025 Individual Supporters

Anonymous *31

Nealan Afsari
Mehria and John Albert
Brooke Al-Emine
Sylvia Algire
Alison Alkon
Milly and Walter Alvarez
Terrance Amsler
Sri Ananda
Jonathan Arnold
Sarah Arnquist and Michael Lipnick
Maryam Azizi

Janet Barron
Samuel Baker
Sophie Beach
Miranda Beebe
Emi Bevacqua
Harvey Bickhoff
Sonja Bjork
Nicole Black
Chronicle Books
Ann Branston and Dail Phillips
Elise Brennan
Constance Bryan

Helen Cannon
Galen Carnicelli and Eiko Sugano
Karen Carlson
Winnie Chu
The Coalesce Fund
Holly Coleman and David Strandberg
The Cove Fund
Matthew Corona
Carol Corr
Margaret Corrigan and Lawrence Gibbs

Angela Dent
Christy Dieterich
Allison and Tom Dredge

Emily and Andrew
Renee Enteen
Michael Evans
Everett Family Fund

William and Carol Falender
Jennifer Faenza
Susan H. Farwell
Anne M. Feldhusen
Dustin Fink
Evelyn Flahavan
Carol Flanagan

Francis Andrew Gaffney
Jorge Luis Gaona
The Galia Family
Brad Geldert
Nicole Germanov and Greg Spydell
Mary and Annette Gilliford-Santiago
Evan Glickstein
Bryan S. Glosemeyer
Dana Goin
Susan Goldsmith
Aaron Gozum
Eliana Greenberg
Rachael Grossman

Buu Ha
Patrice Hall
The Hannigan Family
John Hardwig
Hatzitaskos-Tuchman Family Fund
Nora Heaphy
Richard Heath and Associates, Inc.
Joyce Hedges
Doug Hewitt
Justine Hong
Cheryl Howell
Paul Hunt

Daniel Jaime
Gavin Jefferies and Teresa Nittolo
Rosemary Jenckes
Angie Jolie and Daniel Morillo
Ann Johnston

Edith Kaplan
Karuna Fund
Helena Katz
Nicole Keeney
Shannon Kelley
Malay Khamsyvoravong
Brandon Kitagawa
Mary Kober
Jean Gordon Kocienda
The Kreisa Family
Selvan Kumar

Anandi Lakshmikanthan
Bernadette LaNoue
Anna Lazo
Susan Lee
Mathew Ledin
Shalle Leeming
Lois Lorentzen
Alisa Loveman
Mark Lynch and Nilima Patel

Galen Maness
Gerardo Marin
Shakti Fleisher and Dan Marshall
Chris Martin
Janet and Joseph Maurer
Emily McCall
Katie McCutcheon
Mary McFarland
Brendan McKeon
McNabb Foundation
Susan Mendelsohn
Judith Brown Meyers Fund
Michael and Tammy
Rebekah Mickle
Claire Mills
Guenevere Millius
Barbara Hedani-Morishita
Jim Morgan

Sandy Naing and Aman Alexander
Mike Napolitano
Lina Nazar
Leah Newkirk and Matt Lang
Marilyn Nichols
Gayle Nishikawa
Johnnie Norway
Victoria Nwosisi

Andrew Ou

James Perry, Andrew and Emily
Petrina and Roger
David La Piana and Mary McFarland
Laura Phipps
Chris and Lori Potter Fund

Anita Rao
Samira Rahmatullah and Munir Alam
Benjamin Recht
Redwood Day School Drama Department
Kelsey Rexroat
Barbara Reynolds
Joseph Richards
Tom and Teryn Rikert
Diego Rivera
Paul Robins
Emily Robbins
Curt and Jennifer Rocca
Peter Roeper and Martha Harnly
Simon Rogers and Liza Ramrayka
Ali Rowghani and Galorah Keshararz

San Francisco Foot and Ankle Group
Deborah Samake
Paige Sandoz
Katelyn Sbani
Mavis Scanlon-Marble
Diana Scearce and Ben Cook
Mark Schmidt
Eileen and Fred Schoellkopf Family Foundation
John Seal
Karine Serra
Gabriel Serrato
Diane Shields
Shih Giving Fund
Satvinder Sidhu
Lowry Pei and Vaughn Sills Family Fund
Amy Silverstein
Kaveena Singh
Khushmanjit Singh
The Samelson Family
C. Lee Smith
Sean Staub
Madelyn Stone
Rune Stromsness Giving Fund
Vegavahini Subramaniam
Samuel Suskind

Kalsang Tashi
Mike Tai
Stacy Thompson
Tran Chen Fund
Tai Tran
Dan Truong
Andrew Tu

Masashi Ueno

Deborah and Jerry Van Atta
Robin Van Vliet
Annie Vainshtein
Laura Vaudreuil
Kristen Vellinger
Khin Vong

Gretchen Wallacker
Dom Walterspiel and Jennifer Scott
Wendy Weiden Giving Fund
Zoe Weidenfeld
Elizabeth Weintraub
Heather Kirk Weir
Ann Whalley
Emma White
Craig and Ellen Whittom
Wilcox Amboy Giving Fund
Laurie Williams
Tina Wise
Florence and Raymond Wong

Jane Yang
Jenni Yoshida
Elizabeth Yost
Elise Youmans
Melanie Young

Mary-Lynn Garrett and Erich Ziegler
Barbara Zivkov


FY 2024-2025 Institutional Supporters

Refugee & Immigrant Transitions 2024 Fundraiser Sponsors

Plateful Health - Cypress Level
Lumebox - Cypress Level
Morling Financial Advisors (MFA) - Cypress Level
Nossaman LLP - Sitka Spruce
Hire Devs - Stika Spruce
Anonymous - Stika Spruce
Rainbow Grocery - Live Oak Level
Arrow Benefits - Live Oak Level
1951 Coffee - Live Oak Level


San Francisco Unified School District
San Francisco International High School
San Francisco Department of Children Youth and Families
Oakland Unified School District
Oakland Fund for Children and Youth
California Department of Education
California Governor’s Office of Community Partnerships & Strategic Communications
Alameda County Social Service Agency
Afghan Refugee Student Impact & Ukrainian Refugee Student Impact Grants


Bella Charitable Foundation
The Davis Family Fund
The Scarlet Feather Fund
Sills Family Foundation
Irene S. Scully Family Foundation

Employee Matching


Community Partner Subcontracts

Good Samaritan Family Resource Center
International Rescue Committee