Submit Your RIT Tutor Log
As part of your work with Refugee & Immigrant Transitions, we ask that you fill out a monthly RIT Tutor Log, as required in your Contract with RIT. Click on the button below to access the log form:
Please contact our Database Admin at for any questions or comments.
How to Access Log: You will need to enter the email you provided in your RIT Application. Please contact if your email has changed.
Due Date: Logs are due on the last day of every month. Please input your hours for that month and provide a brief summary of your work with your student during that month. Note: If you work with multiple students, you will need to complete a separate monthly log for each student.
Why we need this log:
Our education program staff read all the logs. The logs are a critical source of information for us, as they help us see how tutoring is going (and if tutors are actually meeting with the students).
RIT needs to report our tutors' hours and other information from the logs to our funders. It's necessary for our funders to know that our program is ongoing and achieving outcomes, so they can continue to support RIT's work. Their funding enables RIT to connect with refugee and immigrant students, provide them with targeted support, and recruit tutors like you.
Stopped/Paused Tutoring? Contact our Database Admin at