December 22, 2021 - Message from RIT Board Chair, Malaak Malikyar Sills
It is difficult to put into words what the last 4 months have been like since the Taliban took over Afghanistan.
What I can say is this: it has been awe inspiring to see our community rise to the occasion to support new Afghan neighbors.
Picture: two Afghan children going to school for the first time in America
Together with volunteers, supporters, and partners, RIT ramped up operations and filled critical service gaps. Some of the major things we’ve been doing:
Supporting newly arrived Afghan families, enrolling children in schools.
Providing school supplies (thanks to our supporters).
Partnering with local agencies to supplement resettlement services.
Expanding our multi-language case management. (We’ve hired a full-time case worker who speaks Dari and Pashto!)
Increasing enrollment of Afghan women in Wellness groups and English classes.
Plus, in partnership with Oakland Bloom, our first cohort of eight women has received food handler certifications! The women held an event at RIT’s community hub where they cooked meals for 40-50 newly arrived Afghans. Our amazing volunteers delivered these meals to families (with goodie bags for kids!)
Picture: Afghan women’s cooking event
All of these programs are continuing and responding to increased numbers of arrivals. We need your support. Please remember that many are still seeking refuge.
In addition to Afghans, RIT works with people who’ve sought refuge from 50 countries - such as Burma, which has experienced a brutal military coup, and Guatemala, where many have been dispossessed of their land’s resources. Many are still in transition, navigating a new land.
RIT’s education, family engagement, and community leadership programs support newcomers long-term in their transitions to a new society. Our vision is to see all newcomers thrive and become full participating members of our shared communities.
Thank you for your support!
You can use the form below to make a gift to RIT.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy holiday season.
In solidarity,
Malaak Malikyar Sills
Refugee & Immigrant Transitions, Board Chair
Welcome.US, Advisor
P.S. Our Afghan women’s cooking event has been highlighted by KQED - click here to see!