August 9, 2022 - Just days ahead of the 1-year anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the launch of Operation Allies Welcome, both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have introduced bipartisan legislation, the Afghan Adjustment Act, or AAA (HR TBD/S.4787).

The AAA will provide a long-awaited pathway to permanent residence for many people who were evacuated and brought to the U.S. from Afghanistan - please call Members of Congress & ask them to support this bill:

Following the U.S. military withdrawal, more than 70,000 Afghans were admitted to the U.S. as “humanitarian parolees” – a temporary status that does not confer lasting protection or a pathway to permanent U.S. residence. The Afghan Adjustment Act would allow eligible Afghans to apply for permanent status after clearing additional background checks.

Malaak Malikyar Sills, RIT’s Board Chair and advocate for refugees and immigrants, says:

“The Afghan Adjustment Act is urgent for Afghan Allies and their support communities. Thousands of Afghan evacuees have been separated from their families, culture, and homes. They arrived with limited resources and knowledge of our systems.

While being encouraged by welcomers of all affinities to resettle and transition to their new country, a ticking clock keeps them on pins and needles as the two-year limit to apply for asylum approaches. The uncertainty of a permanent pathway for resettlement only magnifies the trauma of separation and loss that our Afghan Allies have endured.

We appreciate Congress for recognizing our moral obligations and intention to keep our promise, and we must pass the Afghan Adjustment Act!

AuthorAndrew Bogrand
CategoriesRT News