Directed by Jason Outenreath, Languages of Hope explores the immigrant experience through the story of Santa, a multilingual mom and master weaver from Guatemala. Santa is part of the Mam indigenous group. She is incredibly driven and hardworking, and has joined RT's programs to get on the pathway to higher level employment opportunities.

You will also hear from Shaheen, RT's Intern and Teacher's Assistant, who has helped Santa and many other RT students gain computer skills. Shaheen arrived to the U.S. from Afghanistan just a few years ago as a high school student. Since then, he has grown into an incredible young leader who contributes his skills to the shared community.

Our expert for the film was Christopher Loperena, Professor of Anthropology at The Graduate Center, CUNY and RT Board Member from 2015 to 2018. He provided a deep perspective on the root causes of forced migration from Central America.

AuthorAndrew Bogrand
CategoriesRT Stories